I totally love going to the beach and take pictures.  I hate getting in the water.  I remember the first time I went to the beach and got in the ocean.  It totally freaked me out!  It wasn't the salt water, it was the sea weed and I thought at first it was an eel or some sea creature.  Even after finding out what it was, I didn't like getting in and riding the waves.  It's sad, really.  It always looked so fun until I actually got in.  So, of course, all my friends and family think I am crazy, and I thought I was a little to.  In October, we went to the beach and it was Katies (my youngest daughter) her first time getting in the ocean.  I, of course, didn't mention how I felt about getting in the water.  I just let her do it.  She was so excited.  The other girls were just having a blast and Katie came running to me and said that there were snakes or something in the water.  My genes have been passed down to my darling Katie.  Thank you Katie!  I am not alone.  She spent the rest of the day with me or building sand castles. 
I took pictures while on the beach in California when I went with my daughter, Brittany, as a chaperone with the Orchestra from American Fork High School. It was a really beautiful night.


Sunsets are just so amazing, aren't they?  This one is just
right by where I live.  I did have to get in the car and drive about a
mile to get away from all the houses. 


 I was out taking engagement pictures and I look up in the sky,
and there it was, a whale tail in the clouds!  I always loved
laying on the grass in the summer time when I was a kid and
figuring out what animal the clouds looked like.  Brought back memories.


FALL is my favorite season.  I love the colors,
the weather, how beautiful the mountains are
and how wonderful the air smells.  Every season
has it's own smell.  For some reason, I notice this.
The problem with never lasts long enough.
If I had my way, we would have 3 seasons.  Spring,
Fall and Winter.  (but winter could only last for 1 month.
The entire month of December!  I don't love the heat,
so summer is a real drag when it gets to be over 90 degrees.
Thank heavens for air conditioning!


This is just the coolest tree.  I love that at sunset
you can get amazing shots of it because of the
west sky in the background.