Sunsets are just so amazing, aren't they?  This one is just
right by where I live.  I did have to get in the car and drive about a
mile to get away from all the houses. 


 I was out taking engagement pictures and I look up in the sky,
and there it was, a whale tail in the clouds!  I always loved
laying on the grass in the summer time when I was a kid and
figuring out what animal the clouds looked like.  Brought back memories.


FALL is my favorite season.  I love the colors,
the weather, how beautiful the mountains are
and how wonderful the air smells.  Every season
has it's own smell.  For some reason, I notice this.
The problem with never lasts long enough.
If I had my way, we would have 3 seasons.  Spring,
Fall and Winter.  (but winter could only last for 1 month.
The entire month of December!  I don't love the heat,
so summer is a real drag when it gets to be over 90 degrees.
Thank heavens for air conditioning!


This is just the coolest tree.  I love that at sunset
you can get amazing shots of it because of the
west sky in the background.